QR Payment

Simple, fast and widely accepted

Scan to Pay

Pay with your phone at any Hong Kong merchants accepting UnionPay QR Payment.

One App for Daily Spending

Works at places that take UnionPay QR code, including designated restaurants, parking meters, vending machines, wet markets and more!

Widely accepted

Pay at over 50,000+ merchants across Hong Kong.
Click here for merchant list.

U·plan Dining & Shopping Privileges

Redeem UnionPay’s u·plan e-Coupons to save more when paying with QR Payment!

Go Beyond Hong Kong

Pay in other countries and regions without exchanging currency!

How It Works

Safe and Secure

In-app encryption, biometric authentication and instant payment notifications keep your money safe and put you back in control.

Safe and Secure

In-app encryption, biometric authentication and instant payment notifications keep your money safe and put you back in control.

Questions and Answers

You can enable it by tapping "Pay" on the Overview screen.

After enabling QR Payment, simply tap "Pay" on your Overview screen then present the QR code to the merchant.

1.    Tap "Profile Settings" from Overview
2.    Select "Bank Services"
3.    Select "QR Payment" then tap “QR Settings"
4.    Select "Outside Hong Kong QR Payment" then tap the switch to enable it
5.    Set the valid period for using the cross-border QR payment

You can pay with QR Payment at any of the 50,000+ merchants who accept UnionPay QR in Hong Kong and 40+ countries and regions, including Mainland China, Macau, Japan, Korea and Thailand, etc.