First-come-first-served! Earn HKD400 by successfully opened a liviSave account and complete specific mission with a designated invitation code

Successfully opened a liviSave account with invitation code "BOC#LIVISPEND" and complete one of the following missions during the promotion period:

  1. Get a HKD400 cash reward* upon successful application of livi PayLater Mastercard®,  and complete single spending purchase of HKD400 or above in instalments at any merchant with livi PayLater Mastercard and instalments plans within the application and spending promotion period
  2. Get a HKD400 cash reward* upon single spending  purchase of HKD400 or above at any merchant with livi Debit Mastercard within the application and spending promotion period

Application and Spending Promotion Period: 21 April 2023 to 31 March 2024

*Rewards will be credited to Eligible Customer’s liviSave account within 30 calendar days after the completion of specific spending mission.

For interest, fees and charges, please refer to the Key Facts Statement, relevant terms and conditions and remarks posted on the livi website and livi APP.

livi PayLater is a credit product. To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!

Successfully opened a liviSave account with invitation code "BOC#LIVISPEND" and complete one of the following missions during the promotion period:

  1. Get a HKD400 cash reward* upon successful application of livi PayLater Mastercard®,  and complete single spending purchase of HKD400 or above in instalments at any merchant with livi PayLater Mastercard and instalments plans within the application and spending promotion period
  2. Get a HKD400 cash reward* upon single spending  purchase of HKD400 or above at any merchant with livi Debit Mastercard within the application and spending promotion period

Application and Spending Promotion Period: 21 April 2023 to 31 March 2024

*Rewards will be credited to Eligible Customer’s liviSave account within 30 calendar days after the completion of specific spending mission.

For interest, fees and charges, please refer to the Key Facts Statement, relevant terms and conditions and remarks posted on the livi website and livi APP.

livi PayLater is a credit product. To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!

Valid from:

21 April 2023 to 31 March 2024

How to get this offer?

Successfully opened a liviSave account and with invitation code "BOC#LIVISPEND"


Complete specific spending mission with livi PayLater Mastercard OR livi Debit Mastercard at any merchant within the application and spending promotion period